If my heart had wings
If my heart had wings

if my heart had wings

This sounds complicated, but there are no more than five to six choices on any given route. For example, you could play through Asa’s route first if you wished, but you must spend time with Ageha at some point or some of Asa’s choices will be greyed out.

if my heart had wings

Some choices will end up unlocking other choices. Simply pick the heroine you want to spend time with. Completing Kotori’s route unlocks Amane’s route, and completing Asa’s unlocks Yoru’s route. Three routes are accessible from the start and two more are unlocked by finishing another route. The second piece takes place the next summer, where Aoi begins a romance with one of five heroines. Together they join the Soaring Club, and help restore the broken wings of their school’s glider. The young wheelchair-bound woman also lives there. The first piece involves the protagonist becoming the dorm “mother” of The Flying Fish Manor. If My Heart Had Wings is broken into two pieces. It was hard for me to get past the poor English while diving into this visual novel, but before long I found myself beginning to enjoy the story despite its flawed localization. Sadly, it’s also littered with painfully awkward translations. Before you storm out, let me remind you that this is an all ages release, supposedly renowned for its storytelling! Truthfully, that storytelling comes on strong from the start. Watching that glider set into motion events that eventually led both of them to join their school’s Soaring Club.Īoi also works as the live-in dorm “mother” for an all-girls boarding house. Together they watched the skies as a glider flew overhead. After moving back to his home town he met a young wheelchair-bound woman. Just like that his days as a cyclist came to an end.

if my heart had wings if my heart had wings

We start with Aoi, our protagonist, reminiscing about a terrible accident: he injured his knee during a race for the Cycling Club.

If my heart had wings